Credit reporting agencies and credit grantors combine existing consumer credit records with Apriori’s government issued ID data of India citizens to ensure consumer records are complete and up to date. The database contains pertinent details such as current address, age and gender that can be matched with existing credit records and with consumer supplied update information to confirm accuracy and reduce mistakes and fraud.
Any company or organization maintaining customer records benefits by using Apriori’s India database to verify and cleanse data details of their existing customers. The following items are available for inclusion in verification routines:
Online service providers and transaction-based services use Apriori’s data to verify information provided by new sign-ups in real-time. This reduces errors, provides crosschecks for completeness, and helps reduce fraudulent and bogus sign-ups.
All non-English source data in the database has been transliterated into Roman characters by applying Apriori’s custom linguistic rules and language exceptions. This allows end users of the database to verify information that was submitted to them in either local or Roman characters.
Apriori’s India data is useful in many different customer relationship management functions. For example, companies can devise predictive address capture routines that automatically populate city/town and state/territory fields based on a lookup of the customer-supplied postal code (pincode). Another example is validating customer addresses in a company’s CRM system against the India data set to ensure that only current and accurate address information is stored.
Businesses subject to rules pertaining to financial organizations and foreign funds benefit by using Apriori data to help accurately identify customers and meet compliance standards. In addition, Apriori data helps protect businesses from fraud by allowing verification of any customer-supplied identity information prior to a financial or business transaction being conducted.
Apriori data is highly beneficial for targeting specific audiences for marketing and advertising campaigns. The data helps companies reach out to potential customers based on distinct demographic factors such as geographic location, gender, marital status and age.
Creditor collection departments and debt collection agencies use Apriori’s India data to verify new and old addresses of debtors and to procure the names of individuals when they move or marry. In addition, when used in compliance with applicable debt collection laws, the database can be used to identify relations of the debtor who may possess information useful for skip tracing.
Companies that sell B2B and B2C services use the India data to provide name, address, and ID verification for their B2B and B2C customers via their own API solution. This solution lets registered business partners verify their customer’s information on a per-transaction or license basis by issuing an API call from their internal system to the service provider’s database.
Businesses that offer Software-as-a-Service and other types of online commerce use Apriori’s India data to confirm that online purchasers of age-restricted services are old enough to participate in the offering and that online child safety and privacy rules are enforced.